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Welcome To whyGo

Welcome To whyGo

Welcome to the Whygo blog. Who are we and what do we do?

It’s real simple, really. We provide videoconferencing and telepresence facilities for companies doing business in the 21st century. So what’s that mean?

Let’s talk about video conferencing first. 

In the old days, if you worked at a company with multiple locations you have to book a flight, check into a hotel, lose your luggage, rent a car, and deal with jetlag and travel fatigue so that you could spend a few hours sitting in a conference room full of a bunch of other jetlagged executives and listen to countless hours of corporate stuff so that you could be a better employee. Even when video conferencing services came into vogue in the late 80s and early 90s, they were so costly that many companies couldn’t afford them.

Now, you can rent a facility near your corporate headquarters and through live streaming to all of your corporate locations worldwide have a video conference that all the necessary people in your company can participate in. No air fares, no hotel fees, no expensive accommodations to pay for. Everyone wins.

All of this takes place through live video streaming online. Welcome to the 21st century.

Telepresence is the next step up from there. It’s videoconferencing on steroids. Or at least in high definition with studio-quality acoustics. For when you need the absolute best videoconferencing quality possible.

Whygo also provides other services such as Web conferencing, audio conferencing, and video bridging.

You’d be surprised at how much more affordable these services are than the old way of paying for hundreds of airplane tickets and hotel accommodations. And it’s more efficient and more productive.

Our blog will provide you with tips to make your videoconferencing and telepresence presentations more effective. We hope you’ll visit our blog often and join the conversation. Ask us questions and let us know how we can better make your 21st century communications better.